The instruments produced by Jetblue CleanTec can meet the following cleanliness testing standards
Standard |
Application |
ISO 11218 : 1993 |
Aerospace Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Classification |
ISO 12345 : 2013 |
Diesel engine fuel injection device cleanliness evaluation |
ISO 14952 : 2003 |
Space System Fluid System Surface Cleanliness |
ISO 16232-10 : 2007 (A) |
Road vehicles - Cleanliness of fluid circuit components |
ISO 16232-10 : 2007(N) |
Road vehicles - Cleanliness of fluid circuit components |
ISO 16232-10 : 2007(V) |
Road vehicles - Cleanliness of fluid circuit components |
ISO 4406 : 1999 |
Hydraulic transmission fluids Solid particle pollution degree code method |
ISO 4407 : 1991 |
Hydraulic Transmission Oil Contamination Determination of Particulate Contamination by Microscopic Counting |
NAS 1638 : 1964 |
Cleanliness requirements for hydraulic system components |
NF E 48-651 : 1986 |
Hydraulic Transmission Oil Contamination Determination of Particulate Contamination by Microscopic Counting |
NF E 48-655 : 1989-C |
Hydraulic transmission Particle pollution Expression of results |
NF E 48-655 : 1989-D |
Hydraulic transmission Particle pollution Expression of results |
NF ISO 21018-1 : 2008 |
Particle contamination level detection of hydraulic transmission oil |
SAE AS 4059 : 2011-C |
Aerospace fluid transmission - cleanliness classification of hydraulic fluids |
SAE AS 4059 : 2011-D |
Aerospace fluid transmission - cleanliness classification of hydraulic fluids |
VDA 19.1 : 2015 (A) |
Automotive Industry Quality Management Technical Cleanliness Inspection |
VDA 19.1 : 2015 (N) |
Automotive Industry Quality Management Technical Cleanliness Inspection |
VDA 19.1 : 2015 (V) |
Automotive Industry Quality Management Technical Cleanliness Inspection |
It is known that the presence of particulate contamination in a fluid system can be a major factor in controlling the longevity and reliability of the system. During the initial run-up phase and early life, the presence of particulate residues from the manufacturing and assembly process will cause a significant increase in the wear rate of the system and may even lead to catastrophic failure.
To achieve reliable performance of components and systems, it is necessary to control the amount of particles introduced during the build phase, with measurements of particulate contamination as the basis for control.
Because the function and performance of modern automotive fluid components and systems are sensitive to the presence of single or several critical size particles, the ISO 16232 series of standards have been drafted to meet the requirements of the automotive industry. Therefore, ISO 16232 requires an approved extraction method to analyze the total volume of the extracted liquid and the total volume of all contaminants collected.
The ISO 16232 series of standards is based on existing ISO International Standards, such as those drafted by ISO/TC 131/SC 6. These international standards have been expanded, revised, and new standards have been drafted to form a set of international standards for measuring and reporting the cleanliness levels of parts and components fitted in automotive fluid circuits.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 16232 defines a method for the determination of the size and number of contaminant particles extracted from parts, deposited on the surface of a membrane filter, and finally analyzed using a light microscope (LM) or a scanning Electron microscope (SEM) was used to measure. The result of this measurement is the particle size distribution on the membrane filter.
A complete analysis of all membrane filter surfaces is necessary when the function of parts and components may be impaired due to the presence of single or several critical particles.
Image analysis (IA) techniques can be employed to perform these analyses manually or automatically if suitable equipment is available.
Note 1: Manual counting across an entire surface is a difficult and tiring task, with accompanying errors. For this reason, an automatic counting system is recommended if the membrane filter can be prepared in a suitable manner as described in this standard.
NOTE 2 Counting and sizing results depend on many parameters, such as type and model of microscope, magnification used, illuminance and other setup conditions.
2. Normative references
The following references form part of the referenced sections of this document. For dated references, only this edition applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this section.
ISO 16232-1, Road vehicles -- Cleanliness of fluid circuit components -- Part 1: Glossary of terms
ISO 16232-2, Road vehicles — Cleanliness of fluid circuit components — Part 2: Method for agitation to extract contaminants
ISO 16232-3, Road vehicles — Cleanliness of fluid circuit components — Part 3: Methods for extraction of contaminants by pressure washing
ISO 16232-4, Road vehicles — Cleanliness of fluid circuit components — Part 4: Methods for extraction of contaminants by ultrasonic technology
ISO 16232-5, Road vehicles -- Cleanliness of fluid circuit components -- Part 5: Method for extracting contaminants on a functional test bench
3. Terms and Definitions
Terms and definitions given in ISO 16232-1 apply to this document.
Instruments and equipment required for ISO 16232 cleanliness testing
JS100 Technical Cleanliness Inspection System, JC767 Component Cleanliness Cabinet , Electronic Balance JETBLUE can produce and provide various laboratory equipment and auxiliary equipment for cleanliness testing, ranging from a small tweezers to cleanliness testing and analysis systems, cleanliness testing automatic cleaning and extraction equipment and a complete cleanliness testing laboratory.
Introduction of VAD 19 cleanliness testing standard:
The requirements for clean parts in the automotive industry were first proposed by Robert Bosch in 1996 to improve the production quality of common rail injection systems for diesel vehicle engines. Due to the high pressure of the common rail, Robert Bosch reduced the size of the nozzle to 200μm or even smaller. But they soon realized that such small nozzles could easily become clogged with contaminant particles remaining in the system after the production process. As a result of this new concept, quality specifications for clean parts in production have been proposed. This is also the birth of component cleanliness testing.
Since then, many reliability problems in automotive systems have been attributed to particulate contamination, i.e. inadequate component cleanliness.
Since 1996, the VDA-19 standard was published by the German Automobile Industry Association in 2005 due to the steady rise of data related to the cleanliness of parts. The VDA-19 standard has thus become a very useful document on a global scale, which has also become the blueprint for cleanliness testing of the international standard ISO-16232. It is worth noting that ISO-16232, published in 2009, has been developed to be fully compatible with the German VDA-19 standard. Over the years, hundreds of cleanliness laboratories have been established in the automotive and supply industries. At the same time, countless independent service labs began to operate. Today, many positions, or even entire departments, across the many companies affected are coordinating all aspects of component cleanliness.
Ten years after the publication of VDA-19, the German automotive industry came up with a request to revise and expand the specification. Its main purpose is to improve the comparability of cleanliness test results and to add new technology content for contaminant extraction and analysis. Based on the publication of the new VDA-19 standard in March 2015, an ISO-16232 revision committee was established accordingly with the aim of transferring the content of the new VDA-19 standard to the international level. The new ISO-16232 is expected to be published in 2016/2017.
Today, these two standards are the analytical framework for component cleanliness in the automotive industry worldwide. In particular, the VDA-19 standard mentions many practical and detailed methods for the extraction and quantitative analysis of contaminant particles on the surface of parts.
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 11218 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles, Sub-Committee SC 10, Aerospace fluid systems and components.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a cleanliness classification for hydraulic fluids in aeroplanes, heli- copters and space vehicles.
2 Requirements
Requirements are specified in SAE AS4059A" which is adopted as a de facto ISO International Standard. For the purposes of international standardization, the modification outlined below shall apply to the specific clause of AS4059A.
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2 Reference documents
Add the following reference:
ISO 5884:1987, Aerospace - Fluid systems and components Methods for system sampling and measuring the solid particle contamination of hy- draulic fluids.
3 ldentification statement (Reference to this International Standard)
Use the following statement when electing to comply with ISO 11218:
"Hydraulic fluid cleanliness classifications in ac cordance with ISO 11218 "
4 Revision of AS4059A
It has been agreed with SAE that Technical Com- mittee ISO/TC 20 will be consulted in the event of any revision or amendment of AS4059A.NAS-1638 Auto Parts Cleanliness Inspection
NAS-1638-1984 is a cleanliness grade standard issued by the American Astronautical Society, which divides cleanliness into 14 grades according to 5 particle size ranges.